Ashburton Property Fund

Providing investors with income and growth

Objective and strategy

The Ashburton Property Fund aims to achieve capital growth and deliver returns ahead of the FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index (Total Return) over the long term. To achieve its investment objective, the fund will typically be fully invested in financially sound South African listed ordinary shares. The manager is, however, permitted to invest in fixed income securities and offshore investments as allowed by legislation. Equity investments are typically volatile by nature and subject to potential capital loss. Given the aggressive risk profile and potential volatility in the short-term, investors should ideally have a long term investment horizon.

Investor profile

The fund is suited to investors seeking income and capital growth from investing in JSE listed property companies.

Why the Ashburton Property Fund?

  • If you are looking for an aggressive long-term fund
  • It gives investors access to emerging market growth opportunities

Fund data

ISIN ZAE000246336 Sedol Bloomberg
Currency South African rand Risk rating Moderate to high Domicile South Africa
Launch date 17/08/2017 Fund size 110.9100 k Dealing Daily
NAV 56.2989 cents Daily change -0.77% Price date 13/02/2025
Annualised performance since 2017: 3.1%

*Hover on chart to see values