Ashburton Dollar Asset Management Feeder Fund

Steady returns through all conditions

Investment objectives and strategy

This fund aims to achieve an increase in value whilst suppressing volatility and risk, through a conservative allocation of assets between, primarily, international equities, fixed interest securities and cash or money market instruments. Exposure to equities is limited to a maximum of 50% and exposure to fixed income securities is limited to a maximum of 70%. Exposure to currencies, other than base currency, after hedging, will not exceed 50%. The fund is created as a “sleep at night” investment to look beyond the market cycles and volatile shifts.

Investor profile

This fund is suitable for an investor looking to achieve long-term growth of capital, accepting a low to moderate degree of risk. 

Why the Ashburton Asset Management Fund?

  • The fund aims to achieve an increase in value while it suppresses volatility and risk
  • It’s a conservative allocation of assets between, primarily, international equities, fixed interest securities and cash or money market instruments
  • Designed to give investors peace of mind while generating inflation-beating growth with low to moderate risk

Key individuals

The Multi Asset Team

ISIN GB0000532530 Sedol 53253 Bloomberg ASHRADI JY
Currency US dollar Risk rating Low to moderate Domicile Jersey
Launch date 04/02/1992 Fund size 58.7900 m Dealing Daily
NAV 41.1170 Daily change -0.28% Price date 13/02/2025
Cumulative performance since 1992: 3.1%
The Composite +3% benchmark is a blend of US BLS CPI +3% from launch of the Fund to 31/10/2018 and USD 3m LIBOR +3% thereon.

*Hover on chart to see values

Notice | EGM conclusion

As you may be aware, the Board of Replica distributed notices to the shareholders of (i) Sterling Asset Management Fund, (ii) Dollar Asset Management Fund and (iii) Euro Asset Management Fund (Asset Management Funds) whereby the Board proposed that the Asset Management Funds be converted to feeder funds to invest into the Global Balanced Fund of the Ashburton Investments SICAV, an established UCITS fund that is domiciled in Luxembourg.

By virtue of this notice, we hereby confirm that the Extraordinary General Meetings of the Asset Management Funds were held on 6 November 2023 whereby the shareholders approved proposals set forth during the meetings.

 As a result, all dealings of subscriptions and redemptions in the Asset Management Funds will be suspended from 14 November 2023 to 16 November 2023 with dealings to recommence on 17 November 2023.   

To view the shareholder notices and other related documentation, click here.