Ashburton GOVI Tracker Fund

For investors seeking returns that are in line with the JSE Government Bond Index

Objective and strategy

The Ashburton Govi Tracker Fund aim to provide investors with a real rate of return in line with a diversified portfolio of government bonds representing the JSE Government Bond Index (GOVI). The GOVI Index comprises all bonds issued by the Republic of South Africa that fall into the top 10 positions of the Composite All Bond Index (ALBI).

Investor profile

The fund is suitable for investors seeking cost efficient, convenient exposure to and returns that are in line with the JSE Government Bond Index.

Why invest in the Ashburton GOVI Tracker Fund

  • It can act as a building block for investors to use when constructing their own portfolios
  • It has no prescribed fixed investment period

Fund data

ISIN ZAE000252060 Sedol Bloomberg
Currency South African rand Risk rating Low Domicile South Africa
Launch date 04/07/2016 Fund size 290.9100 m Dealing Daily
NAV 96.2200 cents Daily change -0.18% Price date 13/02/2025
Annualised performance since 2016: 3.1%

*Hover on chart to see values