Ashburton Core Plus Income Fund

A liquid investment for corporate and institutional investors looking for competitive returns in the short term

Investor profile

The fund is suitable for investors requiring a competitive interest rate, with regular income distributions, capital preservation and liquidity in the short term. It is appropriate for corporate treasuries and other institutional investors.

Objective and strategy

The Ashburton Core Plus Income Fund seeks to maximise interest, preserve capital and provide liquidity to investors. It is intended to form a core part of an investor's long-term liquidity strategy of investors while outperforming its benchmark. The fund can acquire longer-dated bank issued (senior only) or bank guaranteed paper while maintaining a weighted average duration of less than 0.25.

Why the Ashburton Core Plus Income Fund

  • Low risk and fees 
  • Higher returns than money market funds
  • Stricter Pension Fund Regulation 28 limits are applied to this fund and exposure to any single bank is limited to 25%
  • Next day liquidity

ISIN ZAE000313045 Sedol N/A Bloomberg
Currency South African rand Risk rating Low Domicile South Africa
Launch date 10/08/2022 Fund size 26.2300 m Dealing Daily
NAV 100.5612 cents Daily change 0.02% Price date 17/10/2024
Annualised performance since 2022: 3.1%

*Hover on chart to see values