Ashburton Global Leaders ZAR Equity Feeder Fund

Focused investing through global market leaders

Investor profile

This fund is designed for investors wishing to participate in offshore capital markets and to have access to high quality international stocks without utilising the offshore allowance. The fund is most appropriate for investors with a long-term investment horizon, as losses may occur due to high market fluctuations.

Investment objectives and strategy

The objective of the fund is to maximise risk-adjusted returns over the long term while preserving capital, regardless of market conditions by investing in companies whose primary source of income is from, or whose major assets are based in countries worldwide.

To achieve this, the fund will, apart from assets in liquid form, consist solely of participatory interests in the Ashburton Global Leaders Equity Fund which in turn invests principally in quoted large cap equity securities around the world.

The Ashburton Global Leaders ZAR Equity Feeder Fund may also include listed or unlisted financial instruments for the exclusive purpose of hedging exchange rate risks.

Performance and statistics

Performance data for the Ashburton Global Leaders ZAR Equity Feeder Fund will be available after 3 months from launch date.

ISIN ZAE000269809 Sedol Bloomberg
Currency South African rand Risk rating Moderate to high Domicile South Africa
Launch date 23/04/2019 Fund size 247.0700 m Dealing Daily
NAV 201.5369 cents Daily change 0.23% Price date 13/02/2025
Annualised performance since 2019: 3.1%

*Hover on chart to see values