Ashburton Equity Fund

Investing in South African listed equity securities with the aim of delivering returns ahead of the FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share TR ZAR

Objective and strategy

The Ashburton Equity Fund aims to achieve capital growth and deliver returns ahead of the FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share TR ZAR over the long term. In order to achieve its investment objective, the fund will typically be fully invested in financially sound South African listed ordinary shares. While the manager is permitted to invest in fixed income securities and offshore investments by legislation, the Ashburton Equity fund’s strategy is to invest in South African listed equities only. Equity investments are typically volatile by nature and subject to potential capital loss. Portfolio operations and managers were restructured on 01/10/2021.


Investor profile

The fund is suitable for investors who require exposure to the equity market to achieve long-term capital growth. The investor should be able to tolerate investment volatility in the short to medium term.


Marking 3 years of Equity success

The Ashburton Equity Fund celebrates three-year wins under the new team’s management. 1 October 2024 marked the third anniversary of our teams’ management of the Ashburton Equity Fund. Read more here. 

Listen below to our Head of Equities, Charl de Villiers and Daniel Masvosvere, our Equity Portfolio Manager, tell us about the changes they’ve made and some of the successes they’ve achieved.


Why the Ashburton Equity Fund?

  • It's an aggressive long term fund
  • It gives investors access to emerging market growth opportunities

Fund data


ISIN ZAE000205761 Sedol N/A Bloomberg ANSEQUF SJ
Currency South African rand Risk rating High Domicile South Africa
Launch date 01/12/2011 Fund size 1.3700 m Dealing Daily
NAV 971.3200 cents Daily change 0.34% Price date 13/02/2025
Annualised performance since 2011: 3.1%

*Hover on chart to see values