Why invest in this portfolio?
A concentrated portfolio of the world’s most prominent companies, household names and industry leaders designed to provide you with peace of mind.
These are mega-cap businesses, each worth over US$20 billion, with a global presence and constituents of the major indices such as the Dow Jones or Nikkei.
Our investment process reflects a long-term focus.
A minimum investment amount of US$400 000 or currency equivalent is required.
Global Leaders Equity USD portfolio factsheet
Our investment approach
Our investment philosophy and governance processes are among our key strengths. The principle investment philosophy for Ashburton Investments is to provide investors with real returns over the long term, through an investment strategy that seeks diverse
sources of return, while being risk aware. We integrate risk management into the fabric of our investment process with the aim of protecting the assets that we manage for our clients.
Our portfolios follow a disciplined methodology in the selection of international equities, bonds, currency and other instruments. Our investment managers harness the active management philosophy of Ashburton Investments to find the optimal solution for
every client, enabling us to exploit opportunities as they arise.
Portfolio construction
Long-term investment focus:
- Ideally five years, with a minimum of three years.
Focus on attractive industries:
- Sustainable barriers to entry and oligopolistic market structure
- Structural growth, pricing power and/or consolidation opportunities
Performance as at 30 April 2022
Source: Morningstar Performance calculations are based on the total value of the portfolio on the last business day of the month. This is inclusive of the effect of fees which are levied quarterly in arrears. *EAA Fund Global Large Cap is the Morningstar
Global Large-Cap Blend Equity peer group which includes more than 1200 contributors investing in large caps across developed and emerging regions with at least 75% of total assets invested in equities.
How do I invest?
We place a strong emphasis on building a close working relationship with advisors and clients to ensure that we can achieve a solution which best suits individuals’ goals and aspirations.
To invest in a portfolio, please complete the relevant documentation below and return via email to portfolio.support@ashburton.com.
Portfolio application forms
Application forms to be completed by individuals:
Application forms to be completed by Trusts, Foundations and Corporates:
The portfolio is not available in jurisdictions where local regulatory and legal requirements prohibit or restrict its availability.
Persons accessing this document are required to inform themselves about and observe any relevant restrictions.