Objective and strategy
The Ashburton Diversified Income Fund is an actively managed income solution. The primary objective is to utilise the entire opportunity set available to funds in its category. It utilises asset allocation, currency diversification, credit inclusion, duration variation and derivative strategies in order to source additional returns for the fund. The goal is to provide a single solution for the fixed income component of a portfolio or the destination for the conservative investor looking for higher returns than can be attained in other income portfolios. The fund will aim to achieve performance returns significantly in excess of money market funds and current account yields. The fund will comply with regulations governing retirement funds.
Investor profile
This fund is suited to investors wanting to maximise total return (income plus capital) over the interest rate cycle by using primarily fixed income and other low risk assets.
Why the Ashburton Diversified Income Fund?
- The fund varies asset allocation between cash, bonds and others over time
- Provides a diversified set of returns with low risk and volatility
- Daily liquidity
Fund data
ZAE000253852 |
Sedol |
Bloomberg |
Currency |
South African rand |
Risk rating |
Moderate |
Domicile |
South Africa |
Launch date |
12/03/2018 |
Fund size |
12.5500 m |
Dealing |
N/A |
115.8912 cents |
Daily change |
0.04% |
Price date |
13/02/2025 |
*Hover on chart to see values