Ashburton Bond Fund

Well-diversified exposure to the South African bond market

Objective and strategy

The Ashburton Bond Fund aims to provide investors with a well-diversified exposure to the South African bond market. The portfolio provides a high level of income and seek to enhance investment returns by the active management of interest rate, credit and duration risk. The fund seeks to outperform the ALBI over a rolling 36-month period. It invests in high-yielding, interest bearing securities including public, parastatal, municipal and corporate bonds, inflation linked bonds, loan stock, debentures, fixed deposits and money market instruments.

Investor profile

It is ideally suited to investors looking to build a balanced portfolio which includes bonds. This fund has a higher risk of capital loss than a money market fund. 

Why the Ashburton Bond Fund?

  • Well managed exposure to the South African Bond market
  • The fund represents our best investment view in the South African Bond space and utilises a range of techniques including active duration management and credit exposure to maximise returns
  • It has the flexibility to invest across the duration, credit and yield spectrum
  • Daily liquidity

Fund data

ISIN ZAE000220935 Sedol N/A Bloomberg N/A
Currency South African rand Risk rating Low to moderate Domicile South Africa
Launch date 04/07/2016 Fund size 1.7900 m Dealing Daily
NAV 111.5957 cents Daily change 0.12% Price date 17/01/2025
Annualised performance since 2016: 3.1%

*Hover on chart to see values